Therapeutic Blogging

This article tells us that:
Brain scans show that putting negative emotions into words calms the brain's emotion center. That could explain meditation’s purported emotional benefits, because people who meditate often label their negative emotions in an effort to “let them go.”
Perhaps blogging, like meditation, can be somewhat therapeutic if you can get to that place of vulnerability.


  1. I save the overwhelming moments of vulnerability for my journal. There are some things best kept private.

  2. They didn't need to do a brain scan to get that result. They could just come to my house for a couple of days. I'm a poster child for that.

    I know my blogging is therapeutic. Because mostly strangers read it, I don't censor myself the way I would in a conversation with a friend. Often I sit down to write - not knowing where I'm going - and come out the other end with some slap-in-the-face realizations because I was able to be that raw.

    For me, writing is a release. Once it's written, it's processed (maybe not fully, but processed nevertheless) and it allows me to take the next step into healing and restoration. I am thankful I've discovered it. I imagine it's saved me a lot in therapy bills.


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