
Nomadland | ★★★★★★★★★★

This movie touched me at a deep level. Maybe it is just timing? Perhaps it is because I resonated with so many characters who were people, like me, in their 'senior years'. Or maybe it is because I live in an urban community where houselessness is epidemic. I am not sure why but Nomadland really moved me like few movies ever have.

The story revolves around Fern, a senior citizen type person, who has experienced great loss. Her husband has recently died. Her town has died - lost their zip code and became a ghost town. The factory closed and her job is gone. She lost her house and is now living in a van.

As she travels about the country she encounters many who, like her, are living on the road in RVs, vans and trailers. These folks are loving people who, in their deep pain, always seem to be caring, giving, loving and helping. Their compassion for each other affected me. I longed to know them.

Frances McDormand, the actress who played Fern, was simply amazing. She has already won a Golden Glode for her performance and she has to be a lock for the Oscar. Her performance was one of the best that I have ever witnessed. She played Fern with beautiful tenderness and transparent brokenness.

Hard to know what else to say. I think that some might see it as a downer - for sure it is not sushine and roses. Yet some I think will be touched, as I was, by the honest portrayal of this hidden part of America. I heartily recommend Nomadland to you. Beware though. Watching it might change your life.

The movie overwhelmed me and, on a scale of ten, give it ★★★★★★★★★★.

Catch my other mini-reviews by selecting the Movies link in the menu bar above.


  1. I can't wait to see it. We don't have Hulu.

  2. I was glad to see the movie get the Oscars for best picture, best director and best lead actress. Very deserving.


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